ATMs Helpful Addition to Metro Stations
Yesterday morning, as happens toward the end of the month when my SmartBenefits run out, I went to add money to my SmartTrip using a credit card. Unfortunately, on this occasion the machine didn't accept my Visa credit card. I'm not sure if it got activated correctly in the morning, when I cut up my old card and activated the new one I got in the mail. ... or maybe the machine couldn't read the new card for some unknown reason.
Sadly, I didn't have enough cash to add onto my card to get me through the rest of the day, much less the rest of the month.
Luck would have it, that there was one of the new Chevy Chase ATMs which saved me the need to scout out an ATM or bank elsewhere. Good thing this happened at Eastern Market and not Rockville. Rockville doesn't have an ATM in the station.
So, thank you Metro for allowing ATMs in Metro stations.
Now let's see them at all the stations!
(To be recorded in Category: Infrastructure)
I. Michael Snyder
WMATA Riders' Advisory Council
Council Member for Maryland - MetroRail
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