Index to Customer Service Topics
Since I heard, I'd been selected as a candidate for the RAC, I've been compiling notes on various topics. I've also collected ideas from colleagues, friends, and acquaintances.
As an Information Technology professional, I'd prefer to setup a database of "topics" organized by "category" to be discussed by the RAC. I plan to do this in the near future, either with WMATA's help or by using my company's or publicly available resources. For now, I'll establish a BLOG posting for each category. Over the next few days, I'll write each up as I compile my notes by "category".
The future database should give Metro customers an opportunity to make suggestions and keep a running commentary on responses and the direction Metro takes on each topic. Additionally, we could tie this database to a forum to discuss the various options so that when problem are brought up, solutions are also brought forward.
For now, If you have comments on a specific category, please post a comment to the appropriate category as I get them posted:
- Communications
- Parking
- Transit Police and Security
- Scheduling
- Infrastructure
- Health and Safety
- Other (Future Categories)
WMATA Riders' Advisory Council
Council Member for Maryland - MetroRail
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